Wednesday, 12 September 2012

We Are Only Human After All

So I hear today that the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, was killed when suspected Libyan religious extremists stormed the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi late Tuesday night, according to Libyan Deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagour and am I disturbed! So very much so!

One man managed to bring down the Stars and Stripes flag and replace it with a black flag with the Islamic inscription "There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Prophet".

Do people have the right to defend God? If you do in fact serve a God and believe he is almighty and all knowing, do you have to defend him, act for him, and think for him? That's a totally absurd notion...thinking to defend God! Their God! It's OK to do your thing, play God and practice your religion whichever one you choose but that doesn't mean others can't. If the Muslims can’t stand any other idea or way of life, does that mean others have to tiptoe around them? It gets boring after a while. 

People disagree, offend and annoy...that' all human behavior but why kill because of it? Some tear paper, cut off other peoples heads because they messed with a paper the Koran was resting on!


To prove a point I guess... This should be allowed amongst their kindred or brotherhood or whatever it's called but these laws and anger should be excluded from those who do not believe in their practices or share their views because it's a tad unreasonable.

They should learn to live with reason and not just civilization can function that way because we'd all be headless after a while. Religion must be tempered with reason. God made us complex with amazing abilities. If a man has blasphemed God, it is between him and God. If we stand in the middle, we may receive the punishment meant for that man.

All we do is worry about how the Muslims feel...are we not going to live? All in a bid not to step on each others toes. We may as well all go buy swords! A head for a head and an arm for an arm...

There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet>>> No one cares if Yusuf is the spiritual head or Mariah the prophet. Why must we all suffer for it? And then some idiots will open their dirty stinking zobo drinking, tobacco chewing mouth and say "Islam is a beautiful Religion". Why not make it beautiful for us all?

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