Sunday 29 April 2012

Epidemic of the Florescent Green Shoes!

So i did this photo session for three reasons. 1. Being that i love myself too much (second time i'm stating this on the blog so take this seriously), I was going to be photographed and that was a great incentive. 2. I wanted to see how a lot of makeup would look on me 3. Give "Cookie"(the makeup artist) and Lotanna (the Jeweler)  ... a chance to work with me ;).

It was a Sunday, i had to go with no make up on and all. I went expecting a lot! The first thing that caught my attention was that there were a lot of girls there. Tall, short, round, black,black and white, skinny, etc. I was devastated because being vain and all, I like all the attention on me but THEN MY SPLIT, call her "Chisom" said "Good thing, you're the fairest of them all so look on the bright side...''

Did i turn light green when they said we had to get out of what we wore there. Did these people know i went through a lot figuring out what to wear in the first place? As if that was not evil enough, they went on and made Pipi *not real name* princess and i went Ok so what does that leave me? Rumpelstiltskin?

I got 3 outfits. Two of which were snatched away along with the jewelry i was to model. Kai. I almost cried! That meant not a many photos for me as i would like. I was left with a ridiculous looking leopard patterned skirt with a pink top that was see-through and showed too much boobs. and did i mention i'm not a fan of patterned clothes. I wore the clothes miserably and everyone kept going on and on about how nice i looked. I was so upset. I made a solemn promise to myself that i was NOT going to smile in any of the photos.

On getting to the designated venue for the shoot, I could feel eyes all over me. I could bet a thousand nairas i looked like a scarecrow. Plus i had on green shoes. Just imagine that!!!!!! Pink, leopard and green! Not regular green shoes....Fluorescent green!  These people made me look like i was up and ready for Rag day!

The best part of the whole day was the fact that i knew the Photographer Blaze! All i did was drink 'Pally Soda' and Tada! i had a "not too bad Photo" in the midst of the ones with the Green shoes :(.

Not so bad after good photo is better than none!